ABS (Anti-Lock Braking System) This electronic system prevents the wheels from locking when the brakes are applied forcefully. Using sensors, a control unit determines if the wheels are starting to lock and brake pressure is then reduced.
Aerodynamics The study of the interaction of air with solid bodies moving through it. The basic rule when designing racing cars is simply to create as much downforce and as little air resistance as possible.
Angle of attack Determines the angle at which a racing car’s wings are fixed during set-up – the larger the angle the greater the downforce.
Apex The point at which the ideal racing line touches the inner radius of a corner.
Aquaplaning Aquaplaning is what happens when there is more water between the tyres and the road than can be displaced by the tyre tread. The car ‘floats’ and consequently cannot be controlled by the driver.
Autoclave A pressure vessel in which vacuum-packed composite components are cured at a precise temperature and pressure. This procedure lends the composite components their high strength while maintaining low weight.
Auxiliary driving features Traction control, automatic transmission or launch control are examples of auxiliary driving features.