Tratě:South City
jediný městský okruh zastoupený v LFS, typický svými úzkými zatáčkami. U jezdců je velmi oblíben, o čemž svědčí také to, že je to nejvíce ježděná trať v S1. Šest kombinací skýtá velké množství zábavy pro všechny jezdce.
South City Classic | |
Zkratka: SO1 Délka: 2.1 km / 1.3 mil Jedna z nejpopulárnějších tratí v LFS S1. Je to krátká a rychlá konfigurace v ulicích města South City. Charakteristická na této trati je dvojitá šikana v prostřední části ve tvaru autobusové zastávky obklopená zdmi. Je důležité a zároveň obtížné vyjet z této šikany co nejrychleji, abyste získali větší rychlost na následující rovince. Poté vás dlouhá levotočivá zatáčka pošle do hlavní cílové rovinky. |
Sprint Track 1
South City Sprint Track 1 | |
Zkratka: SO2 Délka: 2.0 km / 1.3 mil In spite of it's short length, this track has two long straights. Overtaking is really easy, this definitely a city track for great fights. Because this is a sprint track, you won't be able to pit in (for changing tyres or damage repair), so you'd better be careful. |
Sprint Track 2
South City Sprint Track 2 | |
Zkratka: SO3 Délka: 1.3 km / 0.8 mil This is the shortest tarmac-track LFS has to offer. But despite it's length it has many tricky turns. Because of that you will not find many overtaking possibilities here. The main characteristic of this track is the long combination of turns after the start and the bumpy braking zone on front of the last corner. Keeping the balance there is quite difficult. Don't be confused by the pits, you can start from here, but you cannot do a pitstop. It's a Sprint Track, just like Sprint Track 1. |
City Long
South City Long | |
Zkratka: SO4 Délka: 4.0 km / 2.5 mil As the name indicates, this is the longest South City configuration you can drive in LFS. The first part is from Classic, the 2nd from Sprint Track 2 and the last from Sprint Track 1. If you are fast on this track, you are fast on any south city configuration. |
Town Course
South City Town Course | |
Zkratka: SO5 Délka: 3.1 km / 2.0 mil This track is pretty similar to SO Long. The only difference is in the last part, instead of turning right after the tight hairpin, you follow the straight to the long last Classic turn. Definitely a great addition. If you don't like Classics 'Bus Stop' but the rest of it, drive this one, but be prepared for the twisty Sprint Track 2-part. |
Chicane Route
South City Chicane Route | |
Zkratka: SO6 Délka: 2.9 km / 1.2 mil Trať podobná South City Long. |
S1 | S2 | S3 | |